Friday, 12 October 2007

A Piece of Cake

Passing by any bakery shop or cafe where there is a wide array of cheese cakes being displayed does not attract me at all. For a start, I am not a cheese lover other than the occasional low fat cheese slice to help input some form of calcium into my system.

But our experience at a cafe in Sapporo,小樽, Le Tao over a piece of simple cheese cake turned out to be really delightful. The cake was light and fluffy yet it offers different layering of taste as you bite into it. The cheese was creamy yet not clogging. And suddenly, your mouth was filled with a whiff of softly frangrance milky taste without being too tangy. It was not too sweet and each mouthful simply leaved a wondrous lingering taste in your taste buds.

The tea that that was served had a lightly floral scent. The tea was smooth to the throat and it complemented the cake totally, almost as if... it was a match made in heaven...

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