Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Seven Weeks In Memory - The Celebration Of Life...............

The early morning sun and clear skies warmed the streets and buildings at Man Fatt Lam Monastery. It was almost quiet other than our busy preparation for mum's 49th day prayer ceremony.

This ceremony was to honour mum, to offer light and good thoughts, as well as the Dhamma truth for mum to move on to a good and happy after life and rebirth. But in retrospect, these rites during the 49 days also have good effect on the living somewhat. To a certain extent, the rites are not just being conducted for our departed loved one but they allow us to grieve and heal along the way as well.

49 days has passed by swiftly.
There is a long way ahead of us.
Continuing to be despair and mourn her relentlessly without being mindful is not right.
Celebrating life is probably our best way to live in mum's memory.

Mum in her own simple way had celebrated life, especially after dad's passing.
The Lord Buddha and Goddess of Mercy had brought comfort and peace to her weary and sorrow-laden mind. They showed her that there was light in her darkest moments. They gave her the courage to move on and lived a life of truth with much gratitude and appreciative joy.

For sure, we have witnessed her strengthened and focused faith in leading a beautiful and positively fruitful life that had benefited those who came by her way - be it any living soul or sentient being , any kind of plants and flowers, or any kind of animals.

The Triple Gem's Truth.
The Buddha's Ultimate Reality.
Has freed mum from her all of her sufferings - when she was alive, during her last moments and after her passing.

We love and trust mum. Immensely.
She was the heart of our souls.
She will remain very much so.
Through her, we have a life.
Through her, we learn to respect life.
Through her, we have security, laughter, peace and much love.
Through her, we have learned to give, be grateful and appreciative.
Through her, we have learned to live with the right values and perspectives.
Through her, we have access to the precious gem of Lord Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.
Through her, we are blessed.

Trust in the Truth.
Take comfort that mum is well and happy.
Take firm steps to live and practice the Right Way.
Be joyful in having this precious chance.
To celebrate life the way mum had.
Therefore, rejoice onward!

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