Sunday, 18 April 2010

Been A While..

Yes indeed, it has been a while since I last blogged.

A life that is packed with work and more work is not something interesting to blog about. And when there seemed to have some small observations or unique episodes in between, they dissolved into nothingness very quickly.

Am I really that busy and tired to be mindful and practice the needful? I dwell a little too much on what I really want to do next - perhaps a lot more too much than I care to admit.

I chanced upon an article in Women's Weekly this morning and find that people are reaching out to life coaches to help find some insights into their next life choice. They seem happy after the session.

I wonder - is this something I should get on to do as well? Talk to an expert and understand myself better?
What exactly about me that I do not really understand?
What exactly about my needs and aspirations that I am not really aware of?
What exactly about my self-lacking attributes or personalities (which I really do not know at this juncture) that is holding me back really?

No harm in a little chat I guess but I am not one person who opens up readily to another, especially an unfamiliar one to be exact.

I am standing at the same spot as I first stood here on this bit years ago. I know and am aware of this. Yet I allow the loop to continue and be endless..

Because I did not do anything about it. I simply think about it, allowing my emotions to take control of it - from being nonchalent to being clueless to being fearful and even frustrated. Period.

And still, nothing is going to happen or change unless I take that one first conscious step to go deep inside me to uncover, understand and accept - be it with someone or by myself.

This step.. I know... must happen... Soon.

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