Sunday, 16 May 2010

Thoughts on Friendships..

People come into our lives for a reason. It can be for a while or for a lifetime.

But once in a while, I still wonder where my friends are and what has happened to them and our friendship.

When I was younger (much much younger I must add), I thought all my friends back then could still be my friends until the day I die. I felt happy with so many friends and the energy was vibrant. Now that I am older, I can count my true friends in my fingers.

Would you judge me that I am not a friend keeper, or would you agree with me that as time passes, we're no longer concerned with the number of friends that we have, but really, the quality of friendship that we build. Distance and time are really, not hindrances to a friendship if we cherish one another.

For friends who have come into my life very briefly- yet supported me in one way or another, and ended the realtionship without any wrongdoing on either person's part, I thank you and I have moved on.

For friends who have come into my life for a longer period of time - shared, grew and learned some great experiences and joy together with me, I thank you and I have moved on too.

For friends who have stayed and built strong emotional foundation with me, I thank you for all of the rain and shine, joys and sadness, sharing and support, love, growth and lessons.

For these friends,
who are caring, loyal and most true,
and accept my best and worst qualities,
I wish for you to know,
I am also your friend,
I love and cherish you,
And wish the same caring, loyalty and most true to you too..

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